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Woolton School

Each year, schools are being asked to do more with less resource. The role of an SBM is now more crucial than ever. Being able to balance the books whilst costs are rising and budgets are falling is a having a huge demand on an SBM’s skill & time management. Also, wearing other hats when dealing with lots of different things around school plays a large part in the school day. It’s difficult to find time to look into telephone bills, particularly when they are not clear. Brighter Bills differ from other companies in that we have the school’s best interest at heart. We will always give an honest appraisal and we have saved schools a great deal of money, our advice will usually help to reduce costs.

“We know how schools like to work and how important it is when communicating internally, with parents and with suppliers. Getting value for money is key to any business a school conducts and we look at the most cost effective route to ensure best value is achieved. A thirty minute meeting will enable us to gauge where a school currently sits and if they is something we can do to reduce costs and improve communications. Time is always short for SBM’s but this is an area where a few minutes spent can achieve great results. The process is quick and we can start saving the school money within a few weeks”. - Brighter Bills Ltd.

If a school is interested in a new telephone system, we can demonstrate the benefits:

Auto Attendant—the facility to answer & direct calls during the day, for afterschool clubs and out of hours/term time.

Call Recording -the ability to record any call and save the recording to your PC. Ideal in safeguarding for staff for later review and for recording important calls with suppliers.

Voicemail to email -have messages forwarded to your smartphone for the ability to listen & direct to a colleague if necessary, and save them to your PC.

Contact  Brighter Bills Ltd on 01260 725 725 or by email

Read their Testimonial 

I met Brighter Bills at a School Business Managers Conference. I am always a bit sceptical when I hear that companies can offer ‘free, no obligation advice’. Brighter Bills had SBM’s at their stand who were customers and they recommended the business, so I thought I would see what Brighter Bills could do for Woolton School. We met a couple of weeks later and they analysed our telephone bills and we discussed our telephone system. I was pleasantly surprised that I could save enough money on my bills to purchase a new telephone system. Being the bit of a sceptic, I told Brighter Billss that I would move my telephone lines and calls to Brighter Bills and if they was good to their word, purchase a new telephone system within 6 months. The good news is that we saved the figures originally quoted and within 4 months we had a new telephone system installed. I am very happy with the service from Brighter Bills and recommend them highly. As an SBM we don’t really have time to analyse all our bills closely, so if you want an honest appraisal and good advice, speak to Brighter Bills

- Cynthia James SBM at
Woolton School